Multifreight takes the health and safety of its employees, the public, customers and all others very seriously. We will do the utmost to maintain equipment in as safe a condition as possible and to ensure that all employees are trained in safe working and operating practices.
At the same time, Multifreight expects its employees to comply with laid-down safety procedures and to comply to all relevant instructions by management. They are also expected to present themselves for work in a fit state. Employees and subcontractors must use any safety equipment provided, in the correct manner as laid down in company instructions.
Multifreight also undertakes to continuously review health and safety practices and to make improvements in operating practices, safety equipment and any other related material in the light of experience. It also undertakes to convey this information to employees in a timely and appropriate manner.
We are committed to be in the fore front in Health, Safety and Environment performance.
To reach this goal, our overall HSE philosophy is based on:
- People are our most important asset.
- The objective of zero accidents, injuries, and losses.
- A high performance in Health, Safety and Environmental protection is a self standing value.
- A high and efficient performance is a sine qua non to gain competitive advantage over our competitors.
- A contribution to development.
The no accidents, no injuries and losses objective is the basic element in our supreme objectives in the prevention of accidents, injuries and losses. A no failure philosophy is characterized by our development of an attitude and culture specially.
- No personal injury or material damages/losses.
- No lost time accidents.
- No unplanned emissions /discharges.
- No accidents affecting our delivery reliability on all our existing facilities.
In order for us to achieve the above goals through out our operations, we have set stringent but measurable objectives and strict internal requirements related to HSE and follow up to ensure that these objectives are fulfilled.
We have developed in-house HSE management systems and plans which drive the overall operations of the company.